With nearly a month to go until my fourth London Marathon, I am feeling quite confident.
I was down in Essex last weekend, where I took part in the Roding Valley Half-Marathon, an event that I last completed three years ago. I finished it with a time of 1hr 36minutes, comfortably beating my previous finishing time of 1hr 48minutes. I can attribute that either to being fitter and more experienced than last time, or perhaps overdosing on Lucozade before the race, giving me enough energy to get through it.
It is a very hilly course so I am pleased to have finished in good time, without needing to stop, and I got a medal for my efforts.
I ended up finishing in 96th place, having started very near the back in 459th position! Perhaps if I had not had to meander through slower runners in the first few miles, I might have completed the race with a faster time and in a higher position but it was quite a confidence booster being able to overtake and pass by several hundred runners.
I can assure you that I will not be running anywhere near as fast during the London Marathon. I will be pacing myself somewhat slower so that I have enough stamina to get through the entire 26 miles, not just the first 13. Having said that, I hope to complete marathon number four in good time too.
I have received my running vest from Cancer Research, and here is a picture of me modelling it. I think I'd make a great model. What does Claudia Schiffer have that I don't have? The vest is a bit too big but I would prefer it to be loose than skintight because this will reduce the chance of it rubbing against certain body parts.
The sponsorship is starting to pick up and I have raised over £650 so far. That's very nearly a third of my target. My plans to increase this amount are gathering momentum. It gets harder with each year to raise money as apathy increases and the credit crunch continues to crunch but I'm absolutely certain I'm good for the money.
If you want to join in and sponsor me just like all these other generous people, here is the place to go: