Saturday 5 March 2011

Simply the Vest

I received a certain something in the post yesterday. It was my RNID running vest. It’s a lovely yellow and turquoise, and it fits rather well.
I plan to put my name on the vest. I don’t know whether I will use a marker pen or get it printed on professionally. The latter sounds rather expensive, I would have thought. Either way, it will be a great feeling to hear the crowd shouting out my name. Whether they’re shouting nice things ("come on Martin!") or nasty things ("eff off Martin!") remains to be seen.
I shall wear it and wash it a few times so that I get used to running in it on the day. There can’t be anything more annoying and inconvenient than wearing something on the day that you have never run in before, that will itch and chafe.
Also received in the post were some “essential information fact sheets” including maps and directions for what are known as “cheering points” and a reception after the race for me and my supporters to enjoy the day.

The tension is building. It’s getting closer now. Receiving that vest has more or less brought home to me the magnitude of what I’m about to do. I really am going to do this thing. I hope.
Here’s a few pictures of the vest. And yes, that is my living room carpet.
 So you should be able to recognise me on April 17th. I'll stick out a mile in those colours.

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